
Whenever I visit a casino (we here in the Twin Cities have the closest one south of us at Mystic Lake), I am intrigued by the commercial-transaction ding-a-ling sounds and multi-colored flashing lights everywhere, the polished-glass mirrors, but also the pathetic sights of generally-sullen-faced people lined up like pigs at a trough pushing buttons at electronic slot machines, sadly gazing at generally-non-aligned alphanumeric or avatar images on the screens, and similarly non-joyous individuals sitting in half-circles facing no-nonsense-faced dealers around high-stakes blackjack tables, deftly in control of both cards and chips - all hapless victims tenaciously hanging on to non-realistic pie-in-the-sky-by-and-by hope to win more than they are losing.

I personally do not like to gamble there nor at any casino which clearly has the odds at least slightly in their favor to make a profit from the pitifully addicted, nor buy pull-tabs at sundry gas stations and convenience stores throughout the metro area, nor even lay down a little dough in the futile attempt to win the Powerball mega-fortune. And what is the probability of getting even five two-digit numbers ranging from 00 to 99 in perfect pre-ordained order? Perhaps 1 chance in 99 X 98 X 97 X 96 X 95?

I simply do not like to lose, which is why I am content to stay at home or wherever and play with myself (like old-salt Captain Shaw said to Professor Dreyfuss in the Police-Chief-Roy-Scheider movie Jaws)...

...that is, playing myself with my checkers software, which I can manipulate in various ways so that I never ever lose.

I can add pieces I have lost, and place them at strategic places on the computer-monitor-screen checkerboard. I can move the computer's checkers around to put the placement of its virtual checkers wherever, for my advantage. I can quit the game and start a new one, and so not lose that way also.

Whatever. I hate to lose. And I never ever lose playing myself in electronic checkers with my computerized checkers software.

Most gratifying.

I formerly played live online checkers using the local library computer and a Facebook app, competing against formitable actual human opponents somewhere out in cyberspace with perhaps-alias first names and pictorially symbolized as avatar images. But I discovered that there are a lot of checkers players more savvy and intelligent than myself, and I (even though when playing them had used the aforementioned checkers software on a laptop right next to me for non-disclosed tactical-maneuvering guidance), I now and then lost, which of course made me quite angry. Hence, I quit doing that, being made paranoic about potentially losing to someone smarter than me, and now only play with myself, with relaxed impunity and blithe confidence.

Some play with themself in a different way, by lustful perusal of on-screen R-to-XXX porn pix and vids residing on their computer flashdrive thumbdrives and hard-drives, which is another subject I shall not expound upon, with all the shame, embarrassment and regret accompanying that.

Which, of course, is entirely different than playing themself in software checkers, which by so doing emancipate themselves into never losing, assuming they never want to lose.

Yet, even with the porn, they (at least in various ways) do not lose either:

- No terrifying frigid feminist sexism emanating from the freely-acquired/no-cost, selectively-chosen, nude images.
- No apprehension from the entirely-predictable, covertly captured, permanently stable, and safely confined nude images.
- No using headaches or menstrual periods as excuses for non-desired sadistic or prudish abstinence.
- No depravatory cultic-religion-prejudices-based hesitation or reluctance to do everything-wanted-and-gotten all-complete sexuality.
- No hindrances from hurt pride, misunderstood protocol, and nitpicky nagging.
- No refusing to immediately satisfy when prompt satisfaction is craved.
- No them getting sick and requiring expensive medical treatment.
- No letting them steal or seize fixed assets.
- No depleting of pocketbook contents with $75+ wasted on variable-beauty, 20s-something whores demanding pricey mandatory massage or escort charges.
- No danger of arrest flirting with potential vice-cop decoys.
- No lawsuits for jealousy-based charges of "bigamy" or "adultery" from enraged spouses.
- The semblance of Old-Testament-patriarchs-practiced polygamy never incurring God's objection, condemnation, nor wrath.
- No females laden with all sorts of non-curable VD.
- No females to surreptitiously blackmail with reputation-devastating accusations.
- No apparent or at least obvious infidelity of captured beauty queens screwing with other men.

It's the perfect situation of quasi-satisfying ecstasy - as sterile and as non-dangerous as that, in short-sighted and impatient faithlessness, can be...without the apprehension of real live women and whatever they could capriciously choose to do at their whims alone.

No wonder substitute-sexual-surrogate(s) porn posing, production, dissemination, and advertising is a multi-billion-dollar-a-year business!

And the equivalent of divorce is quick and easy. Just click with the mouse and they're deleted. Gone for good. No going to court for inheritance or estate settlements. No lawyer fees. No child-support funding. No threats nor hostile haggling. No alimony. No mental-illness treatment on grounds of cruel and unusual punishment, or desertion.

Even the possibility that at some time later if such rezzed images are again longed for (Remember: "He who joins himself with a harlot or prostitute become one body of flesh with her"), those images can be resurrected back into flashdrive-thumbdrives or hard drives with Restore software (which does not restore if the drive which contained such ghost images is defragmented).

Consider it retribulation and retaliation. Payback for but against indecently-hairstyled mopheads shoving the spam-like sight of insanely-perpetrated loose long hair into one's face which was neither solicited nor was wanted to be seen.

Pure hostile-against-them revenge, depriving mopheaded sexual offenders of marital acquisition and fulfillment with and by means of the one they irresponsibly seduced (whether or not they meant to), and pseudo-polygamously replacing them as potential romantic partners with a harem-bevy gallery of cute-faced and shapely mopheaded-head-to-naked-soles slideshow-or-movieclips-perused porno-glamor-models imagery.

Matthew 21:31 Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Truly, I say to you, ...harlots [who do not sadistically tantalize with non-asked-for terroristic mopheadedness assault and attack, and do not then prudishly deprive or accuse of sexual harassment concerning logical-follow-up petitioning for understandable sexual connections incited by erotic mopheadedness similar to sadistic carrot-on-a-stick-before-the-donkey manipulative oppression of - again - indecent and licentious loose long hair hanging below mouth-level....but instead are completely and always submissive to please] get into the kingdom of God instead of you.

But no interactive imaginative-responses-back fellowship from the can-eventually-get-boring stationary pics or always-the-same-action-scene vids. No real-person helpmate for manifold life-saving assistance in all sorts of ways. No children produced - by either the victimized guy or the irritative stupidly-seductive-then-shunned mopheaded gal. Questioning looks from others as to why neither has produced a family of at least one son or daughter. Threat of damnation from pertinent passages of Holy Scripture for indulging in lewd mopheaded semi-indecent-exposure and consequential porn-acquisition-and-indulgence idolatry and the attitude equivalent of fornication or adultery, and certainly guilt from engaging in resultant self-sodomizing masturbation.

Deuteronomy 32:42 [RSV] I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh, with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the long-haired heads of the enemy.

Romans 14:15 If your brother is being injured by your enticing-by-default loose-long-haired mopheadedness, you are no longer walking in love. Do not let your publicly-immodest-by-default lewd-and-lascivious non-chignoned hairstyle cause the ruin of a normal red-blooded male you are not presently married to for whom Christ died.

First Corinthians 11:16 If any one intends to be contentious, we recognize no SUCH practice [of allowing a mophead to misregard her gloriously-erotic loose long hair, who some non-married-to-her priest might have loosened according to RSV's/NASV's Numbers 5:18, or also-glorious exposed private parts, as sufficient for a prayer covering or veil], nor do the churches of God.

First Timothy 2:8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;
First Timothy 2:9 also that women should have adorned themselves modestly and decently in proper apparel, not with plaited hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing...

Matthew 5:28 But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

I suppose that that (by default) includes viewing and lusting at porn images in print and on computer-monitor screens....exacerbated and caused by ignorant or deliberate imposition of spam-like female mopheadedness in general public view

Matthew 18:9 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.
Mark 9:47 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell

Call 911 for the ambulance paramedics for eyes suddenly gouged out, profusely bleeding, and thereafter forever blind?

Why not instead bravely convey, in whatever overt or subtle way(s), to probably-will-be-defensively-refractive-and-reactionary, caustic-backtalk mopheaded gals, their need to immediately correct their public-mopheadedness stumbling-block problem [burdensome to visually-injured male victims]?

Can't one instead merely sit there deprived but passionately salivating with intense non-satisfied sexual longing, going crazy with mopheadedness-aroused sensual desire incited by previously and accidentally/non-deliberately-seen indecently-hairstyled mopheads who did not even have the don't-cause-your-brother-to-sexually-stumble courtesy and thoughtfulness to have their loose long hair bound into a back-of-head single ponytail with a black or brown rubber-band-like hairtie before they even got into honestly-suspected reasonable-potential public-view proximity of any sexually-sensitive human male(s)?

So again, I do not like to lose. Guess that I'm not "man-enough" for that kind of self-punishment. Nor stupid-enough -- unlike idiotic-moron mopheaded human females who apparently do not have the intelligent awareness to never appear [pornographically/indecently] mopheaded in general mixed-gender public view.

I do not like even taking a chance of losing.

Now, let's make an analogy, which analogy will (of necessity) fall short of what the analogy is going to be related to.

Our salvation, or instead damnation, can be compared to being at a slot machine in a casino, and whether we win money or instead lose money after we insert coin or coins and then pushing the Go button, in anticipation for electronically-displayed numbers to line up on the screen signaling and initiating a possible win of either some small amount or even the jackpot.

That there is where the analogy breaks down, because we would realistically have no control over what numbers line up after we would push the button on the slot machine.

In real life, we do know what will inevitably happen (both temporally and eternally), according to what thinking and especially actions we do, as recorded in The Holy Bible...if we plan or like to do, or actually do, whatever we plan or like to do, or actually do do.

Now, back to the gaming/gambling analogy.

Each thought or action we do in life (and there admittedly are zillions of them throughout our various-duration lifespans) is like us putting all our assets (our entire bank-account monies, our house and other property, our car and other vehicles, our insurance and health policies -- everything) in -- each time we push the button on the slot machine.

And we either win everything we put in (i.e. all our assets and estate)....or we instead lose everything we had at stake (i.e. all our assets and estate).

Whenever we decide to sin in thought or deed (and of course we have already done that at least a trillion times), what is at stake is our entire-and-irrevocable salvation (if we win), or entire-and-irrevocable damnation (if we lose).

Only once. One time. It only takes once to gain everything back, or instead lose everything - forever.

Proverbs 29:1 He/She who is often reproved, yet stiffens his/her neck will suddenly be broken beyond healing.

Matthew 5:48 You, therefore, must be perfect [not optional!], as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters; for either he/she will hate the one and love the other, or he/she will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve [heterosexual-nudity-only-during-marriage] God plus thoughts or actions of works of the sinful-desire [general-public-view mopheaded/porno] flesh.

Luke 6:46 "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you?

Hebrews 10:3 But in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sin year after year.
10:4 For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.
10:10 And by that will [of Christ doing God's plan of becoming The Perfect Sacrifice for the penitent having faith and not mere belief] we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
10:11 And every First-Timothy-chapter-3 monogamous priest stands daily at his and not her service, repeatedly offering the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
10:12 But when Christ had offered for all time a single [superbombed-Hiroshima-and-Nagasaki-like] sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God,
10:13 then to wait until His enemies be made a stool for His feet.
10:14 For by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
10:26 For if we sin [singular - not plural] deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin,
10:27 but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.
10:28 A man/woman who has violated the law of Moses dies without mercy at the testimony of two or three witnesses.
10:29 How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by the man (or woman) who has spurned the Son of God, and profaned [by even once and one time desiring to sin in any works-of-the-flesh way, or physically doing sin in any works-of-the-flesh way] the blood of the covenant by which he/she was sanctified, and outraged the Spirit of grace [by traitorously and treasonously even once and one time desiring to mopheadedly/pornographically sin in any works-of-the-flesh way, or physically doing sin in any works-of-the-flesh way]?

James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point [such as, even one time only, defiling everyone around like a deranged gunner shooting down everyone in sight by imposing public-view mopheadedness] has become guilty of all of it. [A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link]

First John 3:6 No one who resides in Him sins [like even temporarily being publicly mopheaded]; no one who sins has either seen Him or known Him.
First John 3:9 No one born of God commits [mopheaded-in-general-public-view] sin; for God's nature resides in her, and she cannot sin because she is born of God.

Those are grounds for being obediently prepared plus both eagerly and expectantly alert for the imminent bodily(?) return of Jesus the Christ (even for those who absurdly presume that such probably or likely neither would nor could happen during the heat of their hypnotically-mesmerized, non-thinking, temporarily-forget-morality passion).

What about the excuse-to-repeatedly-sin-then-repeatedly-repent "grace of God" of those who claim that they "once and for all made a decision to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ as their Atonement and have never taken their born-again decision back?"

It does not work that way.

How many times does it take to do what it takes to fatally electrocute onesself? How many times does it take to mortally jump off some high cliff to the sharp rocks below? How many bullets does it take to lethally wound one's head by sticking a loaded gun into the mouth and pulling the trigger? How many times does it take to suddenly punch or slap our spouse in the face "for the heck of it?" How many times does it take for us to get handcuffed by smashing into a police car with a cop inside?

Each and every time we mentally desire to sin, and/or actually do sin in action with various members of our body, we lose it ALL. No kidding.

The grace of God previously applying to us, after we - even under duress - commit the tiniest white lie, do even one allegedly-"insignificant" supposedly-"harmless" immodest "oopsie," second-look at happenstance porn spam besieging us....for us - at that time - is gone.


We have lost it all, and damnation (by default) is all we have to look forward to.

"God will probably give us time to repent after we indulge, as He has done in the past, and we have already gotten a second chance, many times, after regrettably giving in to overwhelming duress. Our freedom and liberty in Christ allows us to reluctantly re-sin as the gift of Christ's forever-renewed-whenever-we-need-to-use-it forgiving grace completely removes the shame, guilt, and penalty of our don't-really-want-to-do-it re-sinning. So, let's do it, just for a while. No one will see us do it, and they probably do it themselves without telling anyone, and we will never tell. So, c'mon, let's lighten up - not be frigid prudes, depriving ourselves and hung up with no-fun unhealthy repression. At least let's quickly get it over with to get it out of our system, then get on with our lives, because no one is perfect nor can be. We'll never get a chance like this again, so let's get on with it and quit pussy-footing around - this one time - and then we'll stop before we go any further, then humbly nibble some cracker and sip some juice - and no one, including ourselves, will get hurt."(?)

It does not work that way.

It is sort of like a sugar daddy who knows that we lost everything we had, even one time and one time only, chancing it at the slot machine, after which we petition our benevolent sugar daddy to restore us with whatever lesser amount of assets and estate he decides in his miffed consternation concerning us, which partial resources he, now-somewhat-apprehensively and now-more-cautiously, then gives us.

Broken-hymen virginity lost is never regained nor repaired. "Social disease" accumulated unsocially and acquired AIDS sticks with one and does not come off.

Jeremiah 2:22 "Though you wash yourself with lye and use much soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me," says the Lord GOD.

Such can and does happen over and over and over and over and over. Communion wafers and grape juice is nibbled and sipped over and over and over and over and over and over -- in futile attempt to restore onesself and acquire reconciliation with their Sugar-Daddy Redeemer. Or at least vainly remind onesself of Him sacrificing Himself for them, and not vice-versa in proud substitutional self-sufficient "I-can-save-myself-by-me-myself-doing-whatever-I-misconstrue-as-sufficient-compensatory-good-works" self-righteous and self-justifying blasphemy.

But what happens when the Sugar Daddy has had enough of assets and estate restoration to those who have repeatedly deceived and disowned him, mistrusted him, ignored his intents and spurned his imperatives....or moves away?

They are screwed. Up sht creek. Damned forever.

The imminent return of Christ does and will involve an actual bodily return of Jesus Christ to this planet Earth. There is no point in such bodily return happening if there is no Beast nor False Prophet yet on the scene to slay.

And there is no sense in presuming that cross-of-Christ-despising, scaredy-cat cowardly "christians" -- rife and reeking with do-as-much-good-as-you-can-but-we're-saved-by-faith-and-not-works smug, non-chalant or quasi-indifferent, no-need-to-always-be-absolutely-perfect, "don't-worry/be-positive" slackadaisical complacency -- will be snatched up and whisked away to not encounter and suffer the Revelation-chapter-13-mentioned captivity-or-murdered persecution to transpire during The future Great Tribulation of 42 months.

Actually, the "imminent return of Christ" involves something the accursed heresy of make-up-for-whatever-later-on purgatory does not allow for and is in direct opposition to, which is that once a person imminently passes away (i.e. dies), their fate is from then on forever sealed. No changes whatsoever can be made. It's either Hades or Paradise for them from thence on. One or the another. Never some combination of both. Permanently - with no chance to ever change.

Such dead persons, in their completely silent and perfectly-obedient impeccable motionlessness to "Be still before the Lord" and "Be silent before Him, all the earth" compliance, certainly have no idea, in their inoperative decaying brains, of when their Lord will resurrect them to whatever eternal destiny He designates them for. They, as corpses, clearly "do not know the day nor the hour." "Imminency" for them will take at least a thousand years, not including the 42-month Great-Tribulation duration of time passing. But when they are instantaneously resurrected as the heavens and Earth are annihilated in fervent heat (described in Second Peter 3:3-14), they in their awakened state after their "one-day-with-the-Lord-is-as-a-thousand-years" sleep of death, with now-glorified bodies, will certainly consider such epiphany an imminent appearance of their Lord who might judge them favorably as proverbial righteous "sheep" in stark contrast to proverbial wicked "goats" in the presence of the Trinitarian King on His Great White Throne.

Even the Scripturally-declared duration periods given in the Bible (of both literal 42 - not 43 nor 37 nor 89 - months of The Great Tribulation...and the literal 1000 - not 874 nor 932 nor 2478 - years of The Millennium) cannot be used to precisely calculate the exact year, month, day, hour, and second of the Lord's return -- neither at Armageddon at the end of the pre-Millennial 42-month (not 7-year) Great Tribulation, nor at the end of The Millennium, because even in Daniel's record there is no definitive-event starting point, and no definitive-event ending period, for the time periods recorded in his Old-Testament book:

Daniel 12:9 He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until The Time of The End.
12:10 Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.
12:11 And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up [ to what ? ], there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12:12 Blessed is he/she who waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days [ from what to what, and make up your mind, Danny Boy -- which is it: 1290 or 1335 days? ].
12:13 But go your way till The End [ and how long until "The End?" ]; and you shall rest, and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days."

The Lord Jesus will not bodily return for the entire church of Jewish and Gentile saints when each of us individually dies, but both His death angel and His escort-to-Paradise angel will imminently come to us at the time of, and under the imminent unexpectedly-sudden or imminent hospice-languishing imminent circumstances of our imminent earthly demise, which has (or at least should have) the [equivalent] effect of us eagerly expecting both our imminent earthly-demise departure with imminent transport for imminent arrival into His presence in imminent Paradise -- although we know darn well that bodily return of the Savior will not happen until and unless The Beast and The False Prophet have been on the scene inflicting holocaust on humanity for the full duration of the 42-month Great Tribulation.

Not only that, but according to Revelation chapter 20, most of the RIGHTEOUS dead who ever lived in human history [e.g. Eve, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Rebekkah, Jacob, Leah, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, Samuel, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Malachi, Peter, Paul, James, John, Jerome, Erasmus, Martin Luther, J.S. Bach, Beethoven and Mozart, Verdi, Scrivener, Franny Crosby, Jonathan Edwards, Donald Barnhouse, Dwight Moody, Jerry Falwell, D James Kennedy, etc.], and all of the WICKED dead who ever lived in the history of humanity [e.g. the Pharaoh who murdered Hebrew babies, Sisera, Og, Ahab and Jezebel, Athaliah, Saul, Herod, Judas Iscariot, Alexander the Coppersmith, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Lenin, Arafat, Saddam, etc.] will not be resurrected [to be judged in the Last-Day "sheep-with-goats" Final-Day Judgment mentioned in Matthew 25:31-46 Final Judgment occurring a millennium after Jesus Christ bodily returns at Armageddon] before the Millennium begins at the post-42-months-Great-Trib battle of Armageddon to slay the Beast and False Prophet....but instead after the Millennium has transpired.

That post-Millennium point in the future is when the One-and-Only Rapture of living saints will occur -- not at any time before the Millennium, and thus, logically, neither when Christ Jesus bodily returns to slay The Beast and False Prophet at Armageddon, and of course obviously not for nor at any presumed and alleged wrongly-imagined/fairy-tale-myth pre-Trib rapture.